Hallo teman teman KKIH YTK,

Just a reminder bahwa Sabtu depan tgl 21 Dec kita akan bersama2 berpartisipasi di Houston Food Bank. Sie volunteer booked utk 50 org total utk aktifitas ini dan so far kita sudah terisi 34 orang di SignUp Genius.

Untuk teman2 yg sudah mendaftar, kami mohon utk kalian mendaftar lebih dahulu (early self registration) di Houston Food Bank individually by clicking on the link below. Setelah self registration, teman2 akan menerima individual QR code dari Houston Food Bank. Tolong dibawa QR code ini ke Houston Food Bank. Informasi lebih lanjut sudah tercantum dibawah email ini (address, dress code, service form, etc). Kalau yg mempunyai Kaos merah KKIH, bisa tolong dipakai pas acara volunteer di HFB.

Houston Food Bank jg lagi membutuhkan sumbangan makanan kaleng di Holiday season ini mengingatkan incident Ammonia Leak yg baru terjadi di HFB recently so teman2 kalau bisa, boleh kita anjurkan utk membawa makanan kaleng utk sumbangan.

Juga utk mengingatkan lagi, sesudah volunteer di Houston Food Bank, KKIH masih memerlukan beberapa drivers utk mengirim kue2 KKIH di daerah Katy, Sugarland, West Houston, Cypress/Spring, 610 inside loop dan BW8 East.

Kalau ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini, bisa hubungi Peter, Yuyu atau saya langsung.

Terima Kasih sekali lagi dan Tuhan Memberkati!

Sie Volunteer

PLEASE SHARE THE FOLLOWING LINK WITH YOUR GROUP MEMBERS SO EVERYONE CAN REGISTER IN ADVANCE AND RECEIVE THEIR OWN QR CODE http://houstonfoodbank.civicore.com/index.php?section=indGpRegistrations&action=conditional&fwID=52978

Remember to wear close-toed shoes so your feet are protected and dress in layers so you will be comfortable throughout your shift. If you are scheduled for the KITCHENplease wear LONG PANTS – NO SHORTS or JEWELRY allowed.

Thank you again for leading the fight against hunger. You truly make a difference and we appreciate your time and support!