What first started as a group of musically talented youth, who represents KKIH in the annual BKKIH Christmas Celebration, now has evolved to a little clique of same-age friends who meets every now and then to enrich both their friendship and faith in God.
The newly reformed KKIH Youth officially started in November 2012 with Skyfall and Wreck-It Ralph no-bar (nonton bareng) at Studio Movie Grill in City Center. Since then, the Youth has been having various events, ranging from playing laser-tag to performing at KKIH Easter Mass this year, from watching movies on “Soegija” and “Life Without Limits” by Nick Vujicic to serving the homeless at the Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen.


As the varieties of events and agendas suggested, our youth plays hard and learn even harder. Every gathering is fun and playful, yet they always seem very eager to learn anything and absorb all  knowledge given by KKIH members. After mastering the basic of rosary prayer at their latest gathering, who knows what else they want to master next time!

And although KKIH Youth is a new group that has not even reached one year of serving, we can already see what a difference it makes to the KKIH teens. If they used to only hang around and mingle with their closest friends before, now we can see them being proactive to serve in any opportunity that comes their way. If you are interested in following the next move of our teens, their next destination is
performing in the annual Asian Mass in October!

By: Gaby Wahyudin